The Future of SEO: Trends Business Decision Makers Need to Know

Jul 20, 2024 | by Ahmed Sohail
The Future of SEO: Trends Business Decision Makers Need to Know

The SEO landscape is always evolving, and keeping up with the latest trends is crucial for staying ahead of the competition. For business decision-makers, understanding these trends can help shape effective strategies that drive growth and visibility. Here’s a detailed look at the upcoming trends in SEO that you need to know, complete with real-world examples and actionable tips.

1. Voice Search Optimization

Trend Overview: Voice search is growing rapidly thanks to devices like Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home, and Apple’s Siri. By 2024, over 50% of all online searches are expected to be voice searches. This shift towards voice search means that businesses need to optimize their content to match the natural language patterns used in voice queries.

Example: Take Domino’s Pizza, for instance. They’ve optimized their ordering process for voice search, allowing customers to place orders via voice assistants. Domino’s focuses on natural, conversational phrases and long-tail keywords, making it easier for customers to interact with their service through voice commands.

Actionable Tip: To optimize for voice search, include FAQs on your website with natural language questions and answers. Focus on long-tail keywords and conversational phrases that people are likely to use when speaking rather than typing. Additionally, ensure your website loads quickly and is mobile-friendly, as most voice searches are conducted on mobile devices.

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Trend Overview: Google’s AI algorithms like RankBrain and BERT are improving at understanding user intent. These advancements mean that your SEO strategy needs to focus on user experience and intent rather than just keywords. AI and machine learning help search engines understand the context of queries, delivering more relevant results.

Example: HubSpot excels in creating user-focused content. They analyze search intent behind keywords and create comprehensive guides that answer users’ questions, resulting in higher engagement and rankings. HubSpot’s content is not only informative but also tailored to meet the needs of their audience, which aligns with the goals of AI-driven search algorithms.

Actionable Tip: Use tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to understand what users are looking for and tailor your content accordingly. Focus on creating high-quality, informative content that addresses the specific needs and queries of your audience. This approach not only improves user experience but also aligns with the goals of AI-driven search algorithms.

3. Mobile-First Indexing

Trend Overview: Google now uses the mobile version of content for indexing and ranking. With the majority of searches happening on mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly site is essential. Mobile-first indexing means that the mobile version of your site is the primary version that Google considers when determining rankings.

Example: Patagonia’s website is a great example of a mobile-first approach. It’s designed with mobile users in mind, ensuring fast load times, easy navigation, and a seamless shopping experience on all devices. Patagonia’s focus on mobile optimization helps them rank well in mobile search results and provides a positive user experience.

Actionable Tip: Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool to check your site’s mobile compatibility and make necessary adjustments. Ensure your website is responsive, with fast loading times and easy navigation on mobile devices. Pay attention to factors such as font size, button placement, and image optimization to enhance the mobile user experience.

4. Featured Snippets and Zero-Click Searches

Trend Overview: Featured snippets provide quick answers directly in search results, often leading to zero-click searches. Optimizing for these can significantly increase your visibility. Featured snippets appear at the top of search results and provide a summary of the answer to a user’s query, drawing content from one of the top-ranking pages.

Example: Ahrefs has successfully captured many featured snippets by structuring their content to directly answer common questions with clear, concise information. Ahrefs uses headers, lists, and tables to organize information, making it easy for search engines to extract and display it as a snippet.

Actionable Tip: Use tools like SEMrush to identify snippet opportunities and format your content to match the featured snippet style (e.g., bullet points, tables). Structure your content to answer common questions clearly and concisely, using headers and subheaders to break up text and highlight important information. This approach can increase your chances of being featured in snippets and driving more traffic to your site.

5. Video SEO

Trend Overview: Video content is becoming increasingly important. Search engines are getting better at indexing videos, making video SEO a vital part of your strategy. Videos can help you engage with your audience, explain complex topics, and improve your overall SEO performance.

Example: Moz uses videos effectively in their Whiteboard Friday series. By optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags, they ensure their content ranks well in both YouTube and Google searches. Moz’s videos provide valuable insights and explanations, helping them attract and retain viewers.

Actionable Tip: Create video transcripts to enhance SEO and make your content accessible. Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags to improve visibility. Additionally, embed videos on your website to increase engagement and provide additional value to your visitors.

6. Local SEO and Google My Business

Trend Overview: Local SEO is crucial for businesses with physical locations. Optimizing your Google My Business profile can drive more local traffic. Local SEO focuses on improving your online visibility for local searches, making it easier for potential customers to find your business.

Example: A local bakery, Sweet Treats, optimized their Google My Business profile by updating their address, hours, and photos regularly. They also encouraged customers to leave reviews, boosting their local search rankings. As a result, Sweet Treats attracted more local customers and increased their visibility in local search results.

Actionable Tip: Ensure your business information is accurate and complete on Google My Business and local directories. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and respond to them promptly. Use local keywords in your content and meta tags to improve your local search rankings and attract more local customers.

7. Core Web Vitals and Page Experience

Trend Overview: Google’s Core Web Vitals focus on user experience, including loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. These metrics are now a crucial part of the ranking algorithm. Improving your site’s Core Web Vitals can enhance user satisfaction and boost your search rankings.

Example: The New York Times improved its Core Web Vitals by optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and enhancing server response times, resulting in better page load speeds and higher rankings. Their focus on user experience helped them provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for their readers.

Actionable Tip: Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to identify areas for improvement and prioritize fixes that enhance loading speed and user experience. Optimize images, reduce unnecessary code, and leverage browser caching to improve your site’s performance. Focus on providing a seamless and enjoyable experience for your visitors.

8. Content Relevance and Authority

Trend Overview: As search algorithms get better at understanding content context, building content that demonstrates expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) is crucial. High-quality, authoritative content is more likely to rank well and attract backlinks.

Example: WebMD has established itself as an authority in the health niche by consistently producing high-quality, medically-reviewed content, boosting its E-A-T and search rankings. WebMD’s content is trusted by users and search engines alike, helping them maintain a strong online presence.

Actionable Tip: Create in-depth, well-researched content and build backlinks from reputable sources to enhance your site’s authority. Focus on providing accurate and valuable information that meets the needs of your audience. Collaborate with industry experts and cite credible sources to establish trust and credibility.

9. Semantic Search and Structured Data

Trend Overview: Semantic search focuses on the intent behind queries. Using structured data helps search engines understand your content better and enhances the chances of rich results. Structured data provides additional context to search engines, making it easier for them to interpret and display your content.

Example: IMDb uses structured data to mark up information about movies, actors, and directors, which helps them achieve rich snippets in search results. By providing detailed and structured information, IMDb improves its visibility and search rankings.

Actionable Tip: Implement schema markup on your site to provide search engines with more context about your content. Use structured data to highlight key information such as reviews, ratings, and events. This approach can enhance your search visibility and improve the user experience.

10. Sustainability and Ethical SEO

Trend Overview: There’s a growing emphasis on sustainability and ethical practices. Businesses that highlight their environmentally friendly and socially responsible practices can attract both users and search engines. Ethical SEO focuses on transparency, honesty, and sustainability, helping businesses build a positive reputation.

Example: Patagonia prominently features its sustainability efforts on its website, resonating with eco-conscious consumers and gaining favor in search rankings. Patagonia’s commitment to environmental responsibility helps them attract and retain loyal customers.

Actionable Tip: Highlight your sustainable practices and ethical standards in your content and business operations to attract environmentally conscious consumers. Use your website and social media channels to showcase your commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. This approach can enhance your brand reputation and attract a loyal customer base.


Stay ahead of B2B SEO trends with Ahmed Sohail will help business decision-makers develop effective strategies that align with the evolving digital landscape. By focusing on user experience, leveraging new technologies, and creating high-quality, relevant content, businesses can improve their search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic. Embrace these trends to ensure your SEO strategy is future-proof and capable of adapting to ongoing changes in search engine algorithms and user behavior.

Implementing these trends requires a proactive approach and a willingness to adapt to new developments in the SEO landscape. By staying informed and continuously optimizing your strategies, you can maintain a competitive edge and achieve long-term success in the digital world.

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    I’m Ahmed Sohail, and I’m helping businesses grow with determined results. My question is, does your business needs online growth?